Blog Archive

Friday 20 January 2012

Fusia Rose Bracelet

Tento nadherny naramok je vyrobeny z ceskych ohnom brusenych koralkov a tieto su oddelene pravymi fuksiovymi koralkami od Swarovskeho. Ruze je vyrobena z akrylicu a naramok je na gumicke. Krasne sedi na ruke, a netoci sa. Moze byt vas za cenu Eur 15
This fabulous bracelet is made with fire polished czech glass beads which are then separated with 6mm Swarovski fussia bicons. The rose is made from acrylic and the bracelet is elasticated which means it fits any hand. It sits beautifully on your hand, it does not turn or twist. It will dazzle everyone not only for its lovely colour but also the sparkle and the way it sits on hand. £ 14

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