Blog Archive

Sunday 4 November 2012

Layers of Lime-Green.

When I ordered these 6mm glass pearl beads I thought they were gold in colour. To my surprise they were lime green. For a long time I kept looking at them thinking what to make. In the end I settled for a bracelet. A bracelet with 4 layers thanks to the bead separator components.  SOLD

Ked som objednala tieto 6mm perlicky, myslela som, ze su zlatej farby. A ked prisli, skoro som 'odpadla', pretoze boli limetkovo-zelene. Dlho som rozmyslala co s nimi urobit. Nakoniec som sa rozhodla pre naramok. Naramok so 4 vrstvami vdaka oddelovacim komponentom. PREDANE

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